Club Rules


The name of the association shall be ‘Urmston Sea Anglers Association (USAA)’ 


The main aim of the Association is the organising of chartered boat Sea Angling trips on a competitive basis, for the greater sporting benefit of members. 


General meetings shall take place fortnightly as published and with a scheduled start time of 8:305  pm. 


a)     The Association officials shall be a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and a Fish Recorder. These officials, together with a maximum of two other elected members shall form the Committee. Other members may be co‑opted to the Committee where appropriate.

b)     The Committee shall transact all the business of the Association.

c)     The Committee shall retire annually at the conclusion of the AGM, but shall be eligible for re‑election. 


a)     All prospective new members shall apply for membership on the official application form, on which full details of their names and addresses must be given. This form shall be retained by the Secretary.

b)     Their application shall be proposed and seconded by two existing members of at least one years’ standing, and approved by the Committee.

c)     Upon admittance to the Association they shall receive an Association badge and a copy of the Association’s rules

d)     Membership is restricted to persons 16 years of age and over.

e)     Membership shall lapse when payment of the annual subscription becomes 3 months overdue.

f)      Membership subscription must be paid in full before a trip booking can be accepted. 


a)     All members, except Honorary Life Members, shall pay an annual subscription due on the first General Meeting of each year.

b)     The amount of the annual subscription shall be fixed by the Committee and announced at the AGM for the forthcoming year.

c)     Subscription for members joining late in the year will be a pro-rata sum of 50% or 25% of the annual subscription, at the discretion of the Committee. 


a)     The Annual General Meeting shall take place during the first quarter of the year (assumed to be the last meeting date in January.  A minimum of 6 weeks’ notice shall be given to members.

b)     The business of the AGM shall include :-

I.      A report on the years activities and competitions.

II.     A report on the forthcoming years programme.

III.    The presentation for approval of an audited statement of accounts.

IV.   The election of a Committee for the forthcoming year.

V.    The appointment of Auditors for the forthcoming year.

VI.   The discussion and the voting on any seconded resolution.

c)     All notices of resolution and nominations of Committee shall be in the hands of the Secretary, in writing, not later than the meeting prior to the AGM. 


The financial year will commence on 1 January & end on the following 31 December giving a minimum of 2 weeks before the AGM so that accounts may be prepared for the AGM.  


a)     A member or official may be summoned to appear before the Committee regarding any alleged breach of the Association’s rules.

b)     The Committee shall, on proof to its satisfaction, expel any member for conduct which it considers to be contrary to the best interest of the Association. An individual may exercise their right to appear before the Committee in defence against such allegations as may lead to their expulsion. 


a)     Reservation of a place on a trip will be made by 1 of 2 methods only namely payment in full under the Booking Exemption Procedure (BEP - see below) or by payment of a minimum of   25% of the balance of the  trip fee. The 25% deposit is non-returnable except at the discretion of the Committee. Deposits will normally be taken at 1st or 2nd booking which will be 3 and 2 meetings respectively before the trip. Any deposits taken before 1st booking shall have equal precedence with those taken at 1st booking unless the BEP has been invoked (see below). The date of BEP will be 2 weeks before the date of the 1st booking.

  1. In the event of a trip being oversubscribed a draw will be held as described below.  However at the discretion of the committee any number of members may be exempt from a draw for a pre-specified trip if:
  2. The member / members will be fully exempt from a draw if the BEP has been implemented. Such exemption is not transferable to any other trip. 
  3. The balance of the trip fee shall be paid not later than the meeting before the trip otherwise the booking may be declared void.
  4. Trips not fully subscribed at 2nd booking will be declared open to guests. Late entries sufficient only to fill the trip will be accepted up to time of departure and a level aggregate to the annual membership fee will be applied for the purpose of maintaining the dubs insurance cover for all trips
  5. Where a trip is oversubscribed at 1st booking, there shall be not be a 2nd booking and all names taken, excluding Committee names and names enter under the BEP, shall be put in a draw for the available places. Where a trip is exactly filled at 1st booking there will be no 2nd booking, but names may be taken as reserves.
  6. Where a trip becomes oversubscribed at 2nd booking, then only those names taken at 2nd booking shall be put in a draw for the places remaining after the first booking.
  7. Persons eliminated from trips by means of a draw will have their names recorded so that they are excused the next draw even if the trip to which the draw applies is cancelled.
  8. All monies paid by those eliminated in such a draw shall be refundable.

b)     BEP:  Any trip may be fully paid for in advance, however advanced payment will only enable the payee to be exclude from a draw for the trip if the following criteria are met in full.

  • Payment may be made at any club meeting up to & including the date of the BEP and must be made in full.
  • Failure to make full payment by the BEP Date will mean there will be no exemption from a draw for places.
  • In the event of non-attendance on a trip it is the responsibility of the member concerned to arrange of a suitable substitute angler.  No monies will be refunded for payments made under the BEP unless a substitute angler fills the vacant position & payment has been received in full prior to the date of the trip.
  • A substitute angler must be a current club member, or a levy equal to the club’s full annual subscription fee will be added to the cost of the trip.
  • A substitute angler will not be exempt from at draw for places on the trip.

Note: The implementation of the BEP will be subject to review by the committee to ensure that the matter of trip bookings is handled fairly & that no member is disadvantaged by the use of the rule.


a)     At the meeting prior to a trip all details shall be announced i.e..

  • Travel arrangements
  • Any adjustment of the fee for the trip
  • Details of the type of fishing to be expected
  • Details of the phone-in (11c)

b)     The fee for the trip will normally be fixed such that a surplus of about 5% will be anticipated. This is to cover the general costs of trip organisation.

c)     All participants of a trip shall contact (telephone) the appointed person (Trip Captain) at the agreed time for confirmation that the trip is ‘on’. Trips may have to be cancelled at short notice due to an adverse weather forecast or other circumstances beyond normal control.

d)     Members guests shall are all times responsible for their guest’s conduct & monies due.

e)     The excessive consumption of intoxicating liquors on a trip is prohibited.

f)      The Association may organise a raffle on trips to boost funds.


a)      Members (& guests) who withdraw from or miss a trip shall forfeit their monies as follows, all at the discretion of the Committee.

  • Withdrawal after 1st booking & up to the closure of the meeting before the trip - Forfeit 25% of trip fee.
  • Withdrawal after the final meeting before the trip - Forfeit 50% of trip fee.
  • Failure to turn up for a trip - Forfeit 100% of trip fee.  All withdrawals should be made to the Treasurer.

b)      Any member agreeing beforehand to accompany another member on a trip in private transport & failing to turn up shall pay their share of travelling expenses.

c)      Any member suffering bereavement of immediate family member will be automatically withdrawn from all pending trips & will have all monies due returned to their individual credit account until the committee is instructed to do otherwise. 


An annual donation will be made to the R.N.L.I. 


These rules may be added to, replaced or amended only at an AGM or EGM by a vote in favour exceeding 66% of the attending paid-up membership. 


The club is not an employer & as such has no legal obligations in respect of liability for matters of Health & safety.  However individual anglers are liable for their own health & safety health & the safety of others & as such should conduct themselves / their equipment at all times in a responsible manner.  The club does not accept liability for an individual’s actions.


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