Booking Rule Summary


The following is an extract of Adopted Rule 10 which governs the booking of trips & the BEP which is applicable for booking trip places on all USAA trips. 



"Reservation of a place on any USAA  trip will be made only by 1 of 2 methods namely payment in full under the Booking Exemption Procedure (BEP) (see below) or by payment of a minimum of 25% of the Balance of the Trip Fee.  Deposits will normally be taken at 1st Booking or 2nd Booking respectively before the trip. Any deposits taken before 1st Booking shall have equal precedence with those taken at 1st Booking unless the BEP has been invoked.

Scheule of Booking Dates: applicable to all USAA trips:

  • Final Booking:                   4 Meetings (8 weeks) prior to the date of 1st Booking.
  • 1st Booking:                      3 Meetings (6 weeks) prior to the date of the trip.
  • 2nd Booking:                     2 Meetings (4 weeks) prior to the date of the trip.
  • Final Booking:                   1 Meeting   (2 weeks) prior to the date of the trip.

  • Booking Exemption Procedure (BEP)

  • Any USAA trip may be fully paid for in advance, however advanced payment will only enable the payee to be excluded from a draw for the trip if all the following criteria are met in full.

  • Payment may be made at any club meeting up to & including the date of the BEP & must be made in full.
  • Failure to make full payment by the BEP date will mean there will be no exemption from a draw for places.
  • In the event of non-attendance on a trip it is the responsibility of the member concerned to arrange of a suitable substitute angler.  No monies will be refunded for payments made under the BEP unless a substitute angler fills the vacant position & payment has been received in full prior to the date of the trip.
  • A substitute angler must be a current club member, or a levy equal to the club’s full annual subscription fee will be added to the cost of the trip.
  • A substitute angler will not be exempt from at draw for places on the trip.

    The implementation of the BEP will be subject to review by The Committee to ensure that the matter of trip bookings is handled fairly & that no member is disadvantaged by the use of the rule i.e. to eliminate wholesale block bookings".

    Note:  At all times The Committee has the right to exercise discretion in matters pertaining to the booking / withdrawal from trips.  As such all expressions of "interest" i.e. members names against trips, will be governed by The Committee using Rules 10, 11 & 12 of the current edition of the club's adopted rules (21st December - 2009 AGM).

  • All such instances of members adopting a scatter gun approach to block book trips & subsequent withdrawal from same before the above booking dates will be administered under Adopted Rule 10 (see above) & ,Adopted Rule 11 (see below) & Adopted Rule 12 (see below).
  • i.e. for the avoidance of doubt if your name is against a trip under the above & below rules you are committed to the trip & liable for full payment.  


RULE 11 - THE ARRANGEMENTS FOR TRIPS - Refer to the full wording of Rule 11 under Club Rules on this website 

RULE 12 - WITHDRAWAL FROM A TRIP - Refer to the full wording of this Rule 12 under Club Rules on this website 

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